Tuesday, September 6, 2011

If only we used our power for good...

Do you remember on TV sitcoms when a particular character found themselves in a moral predicament and suddenly an angel and a devil would appear...one on each shoulder?  The angel would hint to the character what the right choice would be and how wonderful everything would turn out should he/she make that choice, and the devil would then chime in with something like "you don't want to be known as a goodie-two-shoes, or everybody else is doing it...why not you, or you know you want it."  Inevitably the character would listen to that devil because his was a choice of immediate gratification giving no thought to future repercussions.  Hence...the application of free will. 

Well this theory doesn't only apply to TV sitcom characters, and it doesn't only apply when we find ourselves in a predicament.  Think back to this morning when you first woke up and ask yourself..."was it my angel (higher consciousness ~ expressing a positive outlook on the day) or devil (ego ~ negatively depicting the events of the day) that first started chatting in my ear?"  I'll bet for most of us it was the latter of the two, and it had you dreading the day ahead long before your first foot hit the floor.

So, what if we did use our power for good?  We have the free will to choose who we converse with every day.  Why not gag that little devil.  If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you know a little gag can go a long way...

See the girl in the card on the right...look at the image her little devil has reflecting back to her about herself and her situation.  We've all been there.  We've allowed that ego voice to keep us hostage in lack, insecurity and the like and where does it get us?  It keeps us trapped from growing into the unlimited person we're meant to be.  Now I'm sure your a bit skeptical so don't believe me...try it for yourself.  stifle that little booger and give your angel some floor time.  Look at yourself, your situations and the road ahead through that angel's rose colored glasses. Let her cheer you on, and remind you of all that you have and all you can be.  I'll guarantee that this alternate view point is much closer to the truth than the dooms day mantra your devil has been repeating.  See how this new optimistic outlook makes you feel and then use your free will to decide which pal of yours brings you to a better place, opens more doors and encourages you to be more.

Use your power for good...because to do anything less is a disservice to yourself...


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