Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happiness is a self serve affair...

In the last few weeks I've listened to people complain, myself included, about too much rain, too much heat, having to pack for vacation, their jobs, their family and the list goes on and on.  At times it appears we have become a society expecting our happiness to be served up to us on a silver platter (or in a cup as the case may be) and even when it is, we are still not satisfied.  Like the man in the picture, regardless of the fact that we may have a cup of health, a cup of employment and a cup of family, we're always in search of that other cup that will give us the happiness we're longing for to make our lives complete. 

So what can we do to jolt ourselves out of this state of apathy?  How about indulging in each one of the cups that we DO have and remember a time when we didn't... 

When I start to feel like this and say... my job is really pissing me off, I remember when I was unemployed and worried how the bills were going to get paid.  At times, when I long for some peace and quiet, I stand outside my house and listen to the sounds coming from inside and am not only thankful that I have a family to occasionally drive me nuts but the ability to hear them as well.  When my attitude really gets ridiculous, I dig deep and remember to be thankful for things like indoor plumbing, my washing machine, my dog who's always happy to see me and even the grass that sometimes grows too tall in my backyard (because it means I have a backyard for it to grow in)

Gratitude is a magical elixir that you can pour yourself whenever the need arises...so don't be stingy, pour until your cup overflows...

Bottoms up!

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