Thursday, June 2, 2011

Give your mind a timeout and come to your senses...

Normally depicted as a soldier at rest from the battle (Rider-Waite 4 of Swords Left) it is an indicator to us to take a mental timeout.  Because, let's face it, we're all fighting a mental war whether with ourselves, others or just problems in general. Like soldiers, if we don't give ourselves the space to mentally rest, we're going to lose the battle.  But in our everyday lives when we need it the most, we can't just lay down and take a break!  So what do we do...we come to our senses.  In the Tarot of the 78 doors 4 of Swords (see right), the answer was just leaping off the card at me.  What an ingenious way to depict the same message.  This blind man has to engage almost all of his senses just to do the things we sleepwalk through.  He has to be conscious by default!  So...when this realization came to me, I started experimenting with this newly discovered wisdom to see if it would really work.  One night, when it was my turn to do the dishes, instead of thinking about all the other things I could be doing, or wanted to be doing, or should be doing, I just felt the wetness of the water, the texture of the sponge, I became aware of the smell of the dish detergent, and the sounds outside.  While I was experiencing all of that...low and behold, my mind was no longer looping.  It couldn't go on and on while I was inhaling life through all my senses.  It was awesome!  You just gotta try it some time.  If you are thinking how hard this might be and don't want to offend your mind, try the letter below.  It worked for me...maybe it'll work for you!

Dear Mind,
First let me start by saying thank you.  I know you work hard for me and I know how exhausting that can be.  I also know that we've been spending an awful lot of time together and I think you need a break, as do I.  I've recently discovered I've been neglecting my other friends, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch and I really miss them.  Please don't get upset.  I'll just be laying you off for a short time so we can regroup.  Enjoy your time off!  See ya soon.


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